
Welcome to my digital garden! This isn't really a place for me to share knowledge so much as a place to just put my thoughts out there on specific things in one semi-organized place. I also like the idea of using this to store useful information instead of having everything scattered in some Google doc or OneNote.

🌱 Rough drafts or notes that need a lot of fleshing out
🌿 Fleshed out enough, but there's more to be added
🌳 A completed note

About me

I'm mishi and I own my own personal site and blog Pink Gallica that's focused on both everything and nothing. I grew up in the Caribbean, went to university in Florida, then went on to live in in Okayama and Nagoya for a year each before settling down in Osaka where I've been for the past 10 years. I work as a Japanese to English translator.

My hobbies include listening to music, doing my own nails (acrylic, gel), sniffing perfume, and exploring the small web.

